Blog Archive

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Teen Vogue Fashion Click

Today I found out I was featured on Teen Vogue's Facebook page. 

This came as a surprised because just last week I submitted my Senior Prom post to a daily contest run by Teen Vogue called Fashion Click. 

Its a contest where bloggers compete by votes to get to the top spots that day. When they make it to the top they are then featured on

 It would really mean a lot if you all vote and share my post so I can expand my readership and connect with more bloggers! Thanks so much. 

1 comment:

  1. I actually saw Teen Vogue's post on Facebook about the prom challenge with your picture, which caused me to enter too! Lovely dress! I read your About Me and I actually want to pursue the same thing (I'm a junior in high school) Come check out my blog sometime :)

